
Showing posts from 2013

"Just as a painter needs light in order to put the finishing touches to his picture..."

"So I need an inner light, which I feel I never have enough of in the autumn." ~Leo Tolstoy, to Nikolay Strakhov Life has been a bit on the crazy side as well as sssslllllooooowwww. I have gone to two appointments for le bebe, heard the heartbeat, and now this child loves moving around and kicking...both my stomach and turning the opposite direction and kicking whatever is towards my back. It's a very strange yet amazingly wonderful feeling knowing that MY baby is in there and I'M going to be the mother. And, in a week we get to figure out if Ewok is a boy or girl!! Super psyched about that!!  Anyhow, the past few months have been filled to the brim of celebrating birthday's at my family's house (six!), spending the whole week with them, gearing up for cooking food for the BIG evening meal at Reformation Day 2013, getting back home to clean, read, eat and MAKE FOOD!!! I'm so happy that I only feel sick in the mornings until noon.....this way I can ...

"To the lamp of love: may it burn brightest in the darkest hours and never flicker in the winds of trial." ~Author Unknown

It's been awhile since I've posted....but I promise I have a VERY good reason!!  Between morning sickness, bed rest, traveling, having siblings over to help me out and so forth I lost a bit of weight and my strength to do anything was down the drain. Thankfully, the Lord has sustained me through the first trimester and as of last Thursday little Ewok is the size of a peach and I'm finally into the second trimester!! That doesn't mean that throwing up, nausea, headaches and so forth have stopped. To some degree they have! (Which I'm ever so thankful for) But, through that whole trial I was constantly reminded by my mother and mother-in-law to turn to the Lord in prayer for this little one growing inside of me. I have to say I've fallen short of doing so many times breaking down in tears as I run to the porcelian throne to make yet another visit wondering when it would be over. But, it was a constant reminder of the blessing God has placed in Garrison's a...

"The world will never starve for want of wonders...."

"but only for want of wonder" ~ G. K. Chesterton My life has been a whirlwind of courtship, engagement, preparing for a wedding, getting married to the love of my life, a honeymoon, moving to a different state, settling down, having family out, cook-outs, going to a fair, 4th of july, having my two sisters visit, a random photo shoot, and...a big surprise at the end!!! =) are a BUNCH of photos to get y'all caught up on my life....ENJOY! I seriously love my sister so much! We went to Pacific City, OR for part of the honeymoon...did I ever mention how much I LOVE the ocean?? My husband is a good photographer!! =) Haystack was right outside of our window! Yes...we are happy! Not long after we moved in we had family come visit us!! I was very thrilled...=D And more family came to visit...this time we brought them to the river for a picnic lunch and fun in the water! It was icy cold...