"Just as a painter needs light in order to put the finishing touches to his picture..."
"So I need an inner light, which I feel I never have enough of in the autumn." ~Leo Tolstoy, to Nikolay Strakhov
Life has been a bit on the crazy side as well as sssslllllooooowwww. I have gone to two appointments for le bebe, heard the heartbeat, and now this child loves moving around and kicking...both my stomach and turning the opposite direction and kicking whatever is towards my back. It's a very strange yet amazingly wonderful feeling knowing that MY baby is in there and I'M going to be the mother. And, in a week we get to figure out if Ewok is a boy or girl!! Super psyched about that!!
Anyhow, the past few months have been filled to the brim of celebrating birthday's at my family's house (six!), spending the whole week with them, gearing up for cooking food for the BIG evening meal at Reformation Day 2013, getting back home to clean, read, eat and MAKE FOOD!!! I'm so happy that I only feel sick in the mornings until noon.....this way I can actually make my husband dinner! And, that makes me so very thrilled! After getting home I came down with a head cold that's been running through our church back in IL and then last Sunday Garr caught it. Both of us are out of the nasty part of the woods, but sniffles and coughs have taken there toll on us. Oh, and now for a month Garr comes back to have lunch with me!! I'm super thankful for the extra bit of time I get to spend with him during the week.
So, without further ado...I give you a post FULL of photos in a random order because it doesn't like to upload the way I want it! ;-)
One night we had Ice Cream topped with Irish Cream and Dark Chocolate Shavings...super delicious!
It's cold enough in the mornings now...frost covering the grounds in the back.
I made a Spanish meal one night:
Judias Estofadas Con Chorizo and Patatas Pobres
a.k.a-Bean Stew with Chorizo and Poor Man's Potatoes
a.k.a-Bean Stew with Chorizo and Poor Man's Potatoes
We've had plenty of storms the past week!
This past Sunday after worship we went home to have a lovely lunch and then Garr took me to Eagle Creek Park to hike the wooded trails! Yes, we got plenty of looks because of the way we were dressed! =D What can I say....we're just that posh!
My love and I.....
Yes, he's very strange and weird...but I like him the way he is!
This is what I miss back at my parents place. The colors, water and fall beauty everywhere! Not to mention the country...
Garr has an eye for artistic shots!
Sisters! Crazy....but we both LOVE each other! Can't you tell??
One night we had Bacon Corn Chowder with Cheesy Bread. It was super good!!!
The beginnings of Reformation Day 2013. So glad we were able to attend!
Abigail and a friend running their craft booths...
Grace and Em...love them!
The first leaf on our small deck. Fall is here.....
Well, that's it for now! I'll post an update when we know if Ewok is a boy or girl!
I pray y'all are blessed this week and during the Thanksgiving celebrations!
Y'all come back now, ya here?!?!?
Wonderful post, Mel!!! I'm starving now after all of the food (not to mention the chocolate in the backround! :P)