"Let's climb the big, and beautiful, and high mountain! Let's climb, let's climb, let's climb!"

hike (hk)
v. hiked, hik·ing, hikes
1. To go on an extended walk for pleasure or exercise.
2. To rise, especially to rise upward out of place.Jasmine decided to come along, even though she had to be lifted up just once!

Mr. Hector demonstrating what his kids have done through the ages! Yup, they tried to resemble the tree as best as they could! I think he did a pretty grand job!

Dad, looking as dapper as ever with a gorgeous view in the background!

Dad and Christa as we wait for people to climb up a hole.And there they are!

My brother and I! Did I ever mention how much I love him?!?!?

Grace, happy as ever! You see, she calls herself "Queen of all Dogs", so having a dog by her side is what places that grin on her face! Or maybe she's just enjoying herself! =)

Looking out at the beautiful view and God's awesome creation!

Resting......on the edge! Sounds fun?
They have so many lovely flowers ALL over the place up there!

Having a Father/Son moment!

Christa looking so cute! =)

Just sitting, messing round, and looking at the spacious view!

Caleb and Jasmine

Mr. Hector
I like this photo allot! Art

and another artsy photo....

With a few more! This flower was amazing! It only grow up in the mountain along the rocky sides!

On our way down, which was much easier the going up!

Trying to find the best way to go.

Well, there we have it! I suppose this is going to stretch out into more then 5 post! Crazy how many pictures one can take capturing life as it goes by! I'm so thankful for cameras, else we wouldn't have any pictures to remind us how this looked WAY back then! Y'all be blessed this week and try to find God in the smallest of things and thank Him for each little treasure He gives us to remind us what a powerful and awesome God we serve!

Y'all come back now, ya hear?!?!? {insert smile}


  1. I've never actually made it to the top. When I went in November, we only made it to the whole in ceiling. Then again, I was pregnant... *grin*

    Maybe I'll get up to the top this year!

  2. It looks like you all had a great time! I was really bummed that I did not go with you all. It is lots of fun hiking up to the head.

    I think that is excuse enough Tiff.;)

    Anton, Esq. to be

  3. It not too bad, although we rested a bunch of times! But, all-in-all, we had a marvelous time! Next time I'm out there we all have to go up! Maybe try to bring a picnic up there too! Lovely view and all shouldn't be seen in just a matter of minutes!

    And yes Tiff, you had the BEST excuse! =)

  4. So bummed to miss this outing, but I'm glad y'all had such a great time! I have some great pictures of the hillside taken from afar, but it looks like you were able to get up close and personal. :-) Well done, indeed.

  5. Thanks, it was a bunch of fun.....I would love to go again in the future!


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