"Past time with good company, I love and shall until I die.."

So, this time when I went to CA (I've been there twice and this is a third time) I finally got to visit Yosemite!! And let me tell you, that 3 hour drive was completely worth it! =)
Some of us stayed behind to finish up some food prep for traveling back the next day. So, the others rode in the RV (which is much slower), and we met up with them just in time!! Thanks to Ben for being our Chauffeur! =D

Lilyana enjoying her trip up the rest of the mountain!

"Auntie Jess keeps messing with my checks!!"

She will be so adorned by so many Aunts and Uncles!!

We finally arrived at Bridal Falls!

Mum and Dad and the falls!

Some of the group!

Caleb and Matthew =D

Scenic shot!

Trudging along....it was a bit muddy due to all the rain they were having!

The three little girls and their three **SOLs!

Riding in the RV....t'was very interesting!!

Staying warm and happy!

Tiff and I! <3

Me, at the end of Bridal Falls, because it was wet and cold up at the top....if it was warm I might have ventured up!!

Tiff and I again...this time right side up!

Dad and William making their way back down!

The three girls

Jess, Tiffany and Lilyana!


Tiffany, Ben, and Lilyana! I love these people!! <3

We all climbed back into the RV to have a nice lunch and drive over to the Visitor center!

"Looking" at Yosemite.....or a man-made Mountain formation made to be Yosemite!

Mr. and Mrs. Hector!

Matthew found his long lost brother while we were there!!!

Jess asked this guy if he would like a kiss on the check.....he obliged!
Some of the group in the Museum!

Back in the RV heading back, Caleb, Tiff and Nic are in deep conversation!

And the rest are having a brilliant time at the table talking! At least I think they were.....

Yes, I know these are a little misplaced, but this was a really neat shop.....well, kind of shop! You couldn't go into it, but they had some really neat photos form the past you could look at on the side wall!! We thought it a perfect place for a picture! =D

"I love to sing in the rain!!"

Now we come to the end of this post......I'm kind of sad that this is the last one for our CA trip, although in the next post I will have just one picture from CA in it. It was a glorious trip, one that I would love to make again!! Come back for our trip back to CO making one stop in Utah to visit my Great Grandfather! I hadn't seen him for about 11 years! So, it was grand to see him again!

Y'all be blessed this Sunday and next week!!!

Y'all come back now, ya hear?!?!? {insert smile}

**SOL - Sister-Out-Law


  1. Oh how many good times we had! Yosemite was a ton of fun, and I loved the fluctuation in the weather.:)It was sunny, rainy, snowy, and then sunny again!:)

    It is sad that you have a paucity in California pictures.:( This only means that you all will have to come out soon, and take more!!!;)Hope you all have a great week!

    Anton, Esq. to be

  2. Yes, very good times! but, alas, they all come to en end. That weather was the craziest!! First rain, then snow, then sleet, the sunshine and back again!!

    Yes, a visit is a must!! Then I can post again about my amazing ventures!! =)


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