Another day, another destiny!

December has come and gone....and so has January. And yes, my blogging has gotten much worse. But, I'm trying to remedy that! =) So, here is a post about what happened in our early December and so forth! =) I'll try to do my best with captions...but I'm sure the pictures will do most of the talking, which would be VERY helpful! =D
So, at the beginning of December we had our annual Church Caroling Party. Singing in frigid cold weather is But, all-in-all, it was for a good cause! Every year we hold a Candlelight Service at our church, which means we need to get the word out somehow. So, singing for people; going form house to house with card sto hand out is the way to do it! 

The weekend right after that BLT arrived from sunny CA to not so sunny or snowy IL! But, at least there was warm fellowship that would light up the whole world...that is if we opened the curtains to let people see! ;-) Lilyana has grown SO much, and was ever so happy with all of the loving attention she got from her Aunts, Uncles, and of course Grandma and Grandpa!

We had James and Jill over for dinner almost every week, but the fist time they came everything was going smoothly, the children were (mostly) put to bed and we were having a nice time visiting and talking. All of the sudden, Jill quietly says.. "I see a mouse over in the kitchen." That's when everything went from peace to havoc in the living room! The guys then begin to tear apart our lovely living room, throwing presents from one end to the other while the mouse got away! So, was pretty extreme! =)

Lilyana wanted to join the crew...she wasn't at all afraid!!! =D

Then she saw the camera strap and decided eating that was a better idea....

One thing Lilyana LOVES to do is read books!! Her facial expressions for every picture is priceless!!

Mr. and Mrs. Vogel came over so we could celebrate Mrs. Vogel's and Dad's birthday together! This past year, Mrs. Vogel attended our Ladies Tea and heard Mrs. Morcraft speaking. Later on she told my mother she wanted what that woman had! And, all to the glory of God she is now a christian and baptized!! She attends our church every Sunday bringing along Mr. Vogel! So, our prayers are that soon, his heart would be opened to the gospel too!

Grace and her BIG bow!! =)

Lilyana loves kisses from her mum! <3

AND, she loves the camera!! Every time she sees one, she wants to see what the picture looks like from the other side!!

Later on in the month we have a special dinner for the Elders and Deacons of the church. So, Caleb and I went along with Mum and Dad to help in the kitchen and serve! Grace B. made Flan, Flourless Chocolate Cake, and a Peppermint Chocolate cake for the event!

It was all very lovely, and I'm sure everyone enjoyed themselves!!

Now onto the kitchen crew!! Emil and Lenna ready to serve!!

Grace was the overseer. Making sure that it was all done properly. =)

Josiah and Caleb serving the first course!

Grace all posh!

The cutting of the meat....

And preparing the salads.

Of course, the dishes had to be going at all times! 

Having a bit of fun!! =)

Salads galore! 

Eating on the job!! =O

I'm not amused.....

Happy go lucky....

"We're the cooks...we can eat all we want!" 

And play with fun flame touches....

Dangerous? I think so....

The little girls made Lilyana her first bracelet! I think she liked it!!

Having some Auntie Jessica time....

Cold windows are a sensations for babies!!

"No more photos!!"

"No way!!"

Grandpa time is always so much fun!!!

"Ya think?!?"


Yes, Spain has been on our minds...=) I've been studying up on King Alfonso as of late along with King Henry IV!

Reading some more with Auntie Jill!

Getting a photo with Auntie Lala before running out the door! <3

"I wear a pink tutu now. Pink tutu's are cool."

She loved playing with William!!!

Can't you tell?!?

There is one food Lilyana LOVES....and that happens to be carrots. And yes, her hair is red.....=)

Well, that is all I have for now. But if you click here, you can see some of the photos Jess and I took for a friends wedding that took place in January! It was SO much fun, and they are such a photogenic couple! I'm praising God for yet another God glorifying marriage!

To check out our before/the day/ and after Christmas click on the links below! =) (I thought that if I went through it all, it would take me AGES to get caught up with real this seemed like the best way to do it! =))

I pray y'alls January month was brilliant and that February proves to be even more so as we all live more and more for Christ and as we further the kingdom! =)

Y'all come back now, ya hear?!?!? {insert smile}


  1. Ooooohhhh!!!!! Pictures I don't have!!! I need the one of William and Lilyana...too cute! Oh, and I LOVE the one of you and her. :)

    Spain is going to be soooo fun!!! Can't wait...and it's getting sooooo close! Eeeek!! :)

    Glad the weather was warmer this year...I really hate being cold. *sigh* Miss you all sooo much!

    And thanks for the free advertising! :)

    Mucho loveo! <3


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