"Chasing the Sun..."

Well, here I am after a FULL day of snow, sun, family, friends, fun, and sweet fellowship! Wow! What can I say....it was cold, fun, crazy and did I mention it was cold? Our day started with sauteing the onions and garlic. Adding the beef and other such stuff to make a great southern Chili! Of course we had to make one not so spicy for those who cannot tolerate the taste of a Chipotle pepper! So, below we have Jessica (who did go out and play in the snow) stirring the stuff in a BIG pot!

When I woke up the sun wasn't out....I was pretty bummed but was okay about it since we were going to have fun. The sun came out right before the Evans family arrived!! *bliss* God must have sent a blessing my way!

Today is Jedidiah Evans Birthday, so we all got to sing for him!! Here is the delicious cake that Grace made for him!!

Abby and Cara having fun by their secret snowball stash! =)

I told Josiah he looked like he came out of a magazine....whatchya think?!?!

Some of the girls stop for a picture!

Grace had some sort of bonding with this horse who wouldn't let anyone really touch her! Grace and I decided it was because the horses' name is Gracie!

Adventure is out there!

Such a good model!

Don't mess with these girls!

A happy girl!

Yes, I know this is blurry, but I really like it so y'all get to see it anyways!

The little ones got it easy.....

See what I mean!

Emma Penguin!

I think she had fun!

Nice Levi...very nice!

Birthday boy!!

John decided surfing was his style of sledding! =)

Sierra is giving the surfing a try....

AND she made it down the hill!!

Sam follows....

I was quite impressed with this snowman...I've never been able to actually MAKE one. I just end up drawing them in the snow! *laughs*




Hanging out with mommy!


Sam and John made a ramp...and pretty much everyone went on it!

Some also just sat at the top of it....

Nathan built this amazing two bedroom house...I was impressed!

So, this is only part one of our sledding adventures! (ice was melting...so no ice skating) A great time was had by all and I feel beat....even though I mainly just took pictures. Okay, I went down the hill once...but taking pictures is work too! Running here and there to get the perfect shot gets tiring! Any how, y'all have a blessed Sabbath and check back soon for post two of our sledding festivities!

Y'all come back now, ya hear?!?! {insert grin}


  1. Great photos! It was indeed a good day.

  2. Great pictures, Melissa!!! And the horse reminds me of shadowfax- gandalf's horse from the lord of the rings... :D

  3. Glad you all had such a great time, and thanks for taking so many pictures!

  4. Looks like fun! Boy, I forgot how much snow Illinois gets :)

  5. Allison, it sure was fun...even if I just sat or ran around to get photos! But, all in all, it was a great day! =)

    Jacob, Thanks! I rather liked it too!! =D


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