"Sunshine and lollipops....."

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork" ~ Psalm 19:1
Yes, yes....I know. I said the next post would have ice skating, sledding, and much more fun things in it. Today I forced myself to go out into the frigid weather and take a MUCH needed walk. If I don't walk often, I get claustrophobic REALLY easily. Thus making the outdoors + sunshine equaling one wonderful walking day!! {insert smile} I like to take a sister or two along with me for company, which means I finally got Abby to come outside! (she likes to come, most of the time) So, I HAD to get pictures of her in this wintery wonderland! Also, dad came out too (mostly to shovel the deck) but he also played around with the kids....so photos was a MUST!!
And so was this post! {insert grin}
Below is Abby in a cave that Caleb built!

Abby and her pixie dust!
More Art
Since today happens to be British Humour day I decided to "celebrate" it with a nice warm cup of "English" tea! =)

As I randomly looked out the window, I saw two figures laying out in the snow. I finally found out that dad and Emma decided to take a little "nap" from playing!
These next few happen to be some of my favorites...I ADORE the sky! I haven't seen it in awhile, so now that the sun is out and the skies are blue, I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can!!
And so, I'll end with this picture of Caleb and I! <3
Y'all come back now, ya hear?!?!?
(and this time I won't tell you what's coming up next! So, stay tuned!!)


  1. Nice pics. Looks like y'all know how to make the best of snowy days.

  2. Thanks Jacob! We sure do try to have fun AND make the best of it all! {smiles}


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