Snow is a good thing...right?!?!?

So, after being all happy go lucky about the rain.....we got a winter warning yesterday....yup! We have MORE snow!! I suppose the good thing about snow would be how extremely beautiful and perfect it can look! God sure can make it look extra special when He places the sun in the sky making it glisten as if it were glass!! The above picture is our chicken coop...and yes, I forgot to turn the light off last night! My bad....but I haven't done the chickens in FOREVER!! So, I guess that's a good *grins*

Yes, one can take pictures while going to feed the geese!

My snow covered work boots.....

And so ends another very random post in my crazy life!! Sorry if some of those pictures are blurry, I had to use our little digital camera due to our nicer one being out of the house. It's still a Canon though!! {inset HUGE cheeky grin at all my Nikon friends}

Y'all come back now, ya hear?!?!


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