"This is my one small step...."

Life these days is like a roller-coaster! It never seems to SLOW DOWN!! But, in all the craziness, I have so much to be thankful for! Another day to live, another breath from God, another heartbeat, a family who sticks beside me no matter what I've said or done, friends that like me despite the things I say and do, and a God who is willing to forgive me and wash me clean! I'm so thankful that we have the freedom to worship when and however we please, and our church doors are always open, no matter what holiday it is, no matter what the situation! Praise God for the little things in life! I've collected some random photos of my week, and a group of photos from an outing I had with the four littles! So, buckle up your seat belts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

One can never go without coffee in the mornings...at least it's true in the McDonald house!

I have this grand photo-shoot idea that I'm wanting to do as soon as warm weather arrives! It includes the dress below, and a little girl who loves anything that has to do with Africa! =)

What do you know?!?!? Helping me cook is loads of fun....when making something you like! =)

I had a birthday recently, so Jess made a Gluten free Angel food cake! It was rather tasty, fluffy, and perfect!! =)

The drama king in our household!

Birthday hugs! <3

I took the kids out to our closest Museum for the day...t'was very fun, and they LOVED it! Hopefully we can go back to see the Planetarium and also other exhibits! Who would have thought that having a picnic in your car could be so much fun and warm?!?!? Perfect winter picnic...eh?

The atomic puff of air!

The chubby mirrors! So much fun....

Magnetic force fields!

Mr. Chub....

Searching for the hidden bones, teeth and such!

The exhibit for the next few months....DINOSAURS!!!!!!!!!!!

"Don't panic, don't panic! AHAHAH!!!!!"


And more art....

So many artifacts....

And rocks....

Do you see the face? I see the face. Do you see the face?

Some hat that tribal men would wear for special ceremonies...William wanted to see what it would look like on top of his head!

They had these games that the kids could play. It was as if you were a dinosaur and you had to learn how to survive the wild!

Sniff, sniff...

You need a tic-tac or something.....your breath STINKS!

He's a nice guy....

Big print, little hand

They even had a dress-up area! 

The ball that floats in the air with the greatest of ease!

Mesmerized by a tornado....not so much a good thing..eh?


Rocks that glow in the dark...and in different colours!!

Life size Pinart is amazingly fun!


After going to the Museum, we drove over the the nearest Botanical Gardens! Seriously warm in the building and GREEN!!


The kids ran through the grounds in a matter of three minutes before coming in saying it was ice cold outside!!

Gorgeous colour

I want a secret garden someday.

I miss such colour...


The Steelers Football team/Soccer team must have gotten their name the the original Steel Company or something...I'll have to look up their history!

After all of that, I took them to our last stop. The Library! We stayed here for an hour or so before heading the the grocery store, driving through snow, then getting home!


It's time to dance!!

All-in-all, that days was thrilling! I'm glad I'm still home and that I can spend so much time with these kids and be a big part of their lives! I thank God for every second I get with them, every laugh we share, every tear we shed, every smile that's, oh so contagious, and every hug. It's truly a gift from God!

Do you have things to be thankful for? Do you thank the Lord for the little things, or ask Him for blessing to come your way? Y'all be blessed and have a brilliant week serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! The great I AM!

Y'all come back now, ya hear?!?!? {insert smile}


  1. A great post Melissa. Great photos. And I am ever thankful you are my daughter! I love you.

  2. Looks like you all had a blast! Car for a picnic location; really cool.:) Ooo the cake looks really good.:) (Great job Jess.)Happy birthday Mel.:) Great post!!!

    Anton, Esq. to be

  3. What a fun time. I just love the museum. There were so many cool things there. My favorites were the pic of the kiddos with the dino tails (especially the second one) and the body pin art. We love pin art and that looks neat. But all the info in on place. Wow!

    What a great day for the little ones and what a sweet sister thing to do. :)
    Love & Miss you, Mrs.H


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