"That thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee." ~ Titus 1:5
So, I sat in the living room and asked my dad what the title of this post should be and he said: "Elders are cool!" And I said... "They are, but so are bow-ties!" But that just didn't seem to fit, even though they are pretty amazing! So, I racked my brain, searched the Internet and asked around till I got just the perfect one! For you see, this is one important post, one with photos that will go down in our denominations church history! "He is the good shepherd, Laid down his life for his sheep; So out of many nations He's gathered one fold in one faith; And he has built his church On the rock foundation of faith, On apostles and prophets Who shepherd his people in his place." "There is one faith, One hope, And one baptism, One God and Father of all; There is one church, One body, One life in the spirit Now given so freely to all." The service was beautiful, and many passed and were ordained Elders of the CPC ! It amazing to see our ...