Weddings? I love weddings!!

wed·ding: the act or an instance of blending or joining

This past Saturday, we were blessed to not only attend but be part of Colton Evans and Raquel Muttons' wedding! It was simply amazing to see our Church family come together to bless both of these families, whether it was in the background cleaning up, fixing hair, to taking a BUNCH of photos to help them remember this brilliant and special day! I know I had a marvelous time, witnessing a covenant being made, great feasting, dancing with my baby brother, laughing with friends and just having a ball, and I'm sure others would say the same! So, enough of my ramblings and on with the pictures!

Faith getting all prettified! =)


Wedding Party!

Mr. and Mrs. Colton Evans!

Sam is secretly part of the Mafia.....

The faithful servers!

The happy couple!

These cupcakes were scrumptious!!!

Sam had a little fun!

And so ends this sweet event! I pray God would bless y'all abundantly as you live this new chapter of your lives!! God bless you, Colton and Raquel!

Y'all come back now, ya hear? {insert grin}


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