"if good times were pennies, I would be a millionaire...."

So, today has been a slightly busy day! I got up, made a late breakfast which included the following: Apple Dutch Pancakes, Bacon, and Eggs. The kids loved it, so I was happy! Then I went to get ready for the day, cleaned the kitchen, made a grocery list, made some lunch and so forth with the cleaning! After some time dad had us all pack into the Dodge and head for the church. Bulletins needed to be printed, folded, stapled, and be brought out to the pews! I also went shopping while he started the printing part and all that goes with it! =) Below is a picture of William drinking a special drink Jess made yesterday. It's called Raspberry Cordial, and I know most of y'all will know EXACTLY what that is....unless Anne of Green Gables hasn't ever been in or near y'alls house!

CHEERS!! A very happy boy with a red mustache!
Jess and I on the shopping spree! (last one before I leave for 2 weeks!)Later after the printing and grocery run was finished, we went to a friends house for dinner with another family! Below is Jess, Elaina, and Becca! Three incredible people I'm blessed to have in my life! =)Guess what?!?!? Today was nice enough to wear my flip-flops!! That made my day even better!!Well, I suppose a short post is better then no post...eh?!?!? I pray each and every one of y'all have an incredibly BRILLIANT Sabbath! And may it be a start to and even better week!God bless!

Y'all come back now, ya hear?!?!?!? {insert tired grin} Tha mi fuar agus sgith....


  1. I'm sorry to say that, I have no idea what Raspberry Cordial is. :/ *Goes to my sisters to go get educated* :) Glad to hear you were able to wear flip-flops! As I turn my head to look outside...I see SNOW coming down somethin' fierce. :P

    PS. Love the aviators Jess! :D

  2. YOU DIDN'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!! That is sad.....ah well, I'm sure your sisters knew! =)

    Yes!! Flip-flops are so nice! SNOW, still?!?!? I thought it was supposed to be warm in CA! I see how it is, Tiff moves there from here, we people NORMALLY get loads of snow, and brings the snow curse with her! *cheesy grin*

    Yes Jess, the aviators are awesome! =)

  3. Fuar?? With weather like that?! You ought to come visit here to *really* know what 'fuar' is!!

    Tha mise blàth am broinn an taighe, ach tha e gu math fuar a-muigh!


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