"You know I like my chicken fried..."

"Day is dying in the west....."
So, with the weather treating us well and being incredibly kind, I thought that fried chicken, honey glazed cornbread, grapes, and a veggie tray with homemade buttermilk ranch dip sound, not only very Americana, but it definitely welcomes in the spring!

The mountain of chicken! =)

As my mom says, cornbread always looks more appetizing in a cast iron pan!

Cuteness himself walked into the room....

Saw dinner and this was his reaction! =)

I love this kid!

Now then, I've posted about something else then weather! =) Well, kind of....I wasn't able to get my seeds, but I'm hoping I'll be able to tomorrow!! The place that sells my organic seed has been closed the past one and a half days due to a death. Big bummer, but I can be patient....I think! =) Alright, I'll close this post of randomness now that I've rambled on and on.... Y'all have a brilliant rest of the week and who knows when the next post will come! You never can tell with me! {insert grin}

Y'all come back now, ya hear?!?!?


  1. Looks delicious! You are one AMAZING cook! :)

  2. Ooh I saw the sunset and was DYING to take a picture of but was in the car. I'm half you did. Keep up the posts. :) <3 <3

  3. Thanks Sara, you're such a dear! Love you!! <3

    I know what you mean Len!! I saw it, thought twice before taking it, only because I already have like ten thousand sunset pictures!! *laughs* I'll try!! <3


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